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About Us

Since 1989 Capital Transportation Services. has been a leader in the 3rd Party Logistics Industry. Its team of Professionals have combined experience of over 100 years in Transportation. Our team of professionals are dedicated to lowering our Clients' total logistics cost. Our Mission is to deliver success to our customers through cutting edge technology and process design. Our process will aid in reducing transportation logistics costs and improve productivity in today's intensely competitive environment.

“If you can measure costs, you can control costs!”

 ▪ Cost Per Hundred Weight
 ▪ Cost Per Unit as Percentage of Sales
 ▪ Average Cost Per Shipment
 ▪ Total Transportation Cost

An Integrated 4 Step Process That Delivers Measurable and Continuous Improvement

I. Capitalize on the Benefits of Consolidated Price Negotiations

You pay the rates we negotiate. CTS delivers volume pricing, in multiple modes, to keep your company competitive. CTS carriers are quality carriers — working in a partnership to provide the very best transportation solution possible.

 ▪ 10-20% lower than market price.
 ▪ Maintain or improve service to customers.

II. Maximize Savings and Productivity

Our easy to use software provides a simplified carrier selection process, optimizing transit time and price.


 ▪ Balance customer service needs while maintaining savings.
 ▪ Enterprise wide communication of savings.

III. Simplify Costly Processing Functions

Your freight bills are consolidated into one, easy-to-read weekly invoice.


 ▪ Improves cash flow, reduces duplicate payments and overcharges (average savings: 4-8%).
 ▪ Improves productivity — captures general ledger requirements, allocations, and accruals.

IV. Measure and Evaluate Your Performance

CTS' Management Reports capture your shipping patterns and identify potential future savings.


 ▪ Timely and accurate transportation performance reports.
 ▪ Opportunity analysis for additional savings.
 ▪ Root-cause analysis for changes in expenditures.
 ▪ Tools for continued compliance and improvement.

Buyer Benefits Summary

 ▪ Costs/Productivity Improvement Focus & Control
 ▪ Protection through CTS Contracts
 ▪ Price Savings through CTS Rates
 ▪ Software Tools to Support Routing Decisions
 ▪ Reduction of Freight Payment Processing Costs
 ▪ Elimination of Overcharges and Duplicate Payments
 ▪ Improved Cashflow
 ▪ Proprietary Database of Freight History
 ▪ Expert Freight Analysis Reports

More Than Just Price…A Process That Delivers Tools For Continuous Cost Productivity Improvement!

© 2009-2025 Capital Transportation Services  |  7 Wall Street Suite 200  |  Windham, NH 03087

P: 888.276.6699